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Durgapur Women's College, instituted in 1980, has been established as a first degree college with the express aim of education of girl students living in the vicinity of the Steel City of Durgapur. The establishment of the college was taken up as a Project of the DNAA ( now Durgapur Municipal Corporation).read more...

Dr. Mahananda Kanjilal


Education is the basis of all empowerment � be it in the family, society of economy. Without economic empowerment the concept of social empowerment for women becomes fragile. Without a basic degree, the clarion call for women�s empowerment becomes meaningless. Hence one of the prime aims of Durgapur Women�s College is to impart sound graduate level instruction to girl students. read more...


�Empowering Women� � academically, culturally, socially, and economically � is the stated mission of Durgapur Women�s College. With this in view the college envisages to expand on the frontiers of economic empowerment by opening opportunities for professional development.  read more...